What is Walking in the Word?

It is a preaching and teaching journey that goes through the entire Bible, book by book, led by our Senior Pastor, Reverend Dr. Alyn E. Waller

What made us want to take this walk?

Our Pastor has over 30 years of preaching and pastoral experience, and he desired to approach the Bible again looking through the lens of that experience. As part of that process, he invited our church walk with him on this journey, so that we may receive what God has shown him anew about the Bible through the lens of his experience for our spiritual growth and development.

What is happening on our journey?

During our Weekend Worship Experiences, Pastor Waller will be preaching from one book of the Bible and during Tuesday Family Fellowship, he will be teaching from another book of the Bible.

We encourage you to come to this site after the sermon/teaching and experience the sermon/teaching again. When viewing, you have the ability to take notes about what you have received from the Word. You can download those notes to your personal device, and we encourage you to begin a library of your notes that you can come back to you as you continue to grow in faith through the Word.

Each week on Thursday evenings, the Illumination Community & our Associate Ministers will be hosting Talkback Thursdays. It is an opportunity to come together and dig deeper into the major highlights and themes from Pastor Waller's sermon from the weekend. Our Associate Ministers will be lifting some insights up, but we also want to hear from you! So bring your questions about the sermon and talkback to us!

What am I to do on the Journey?

Walk with us!! We are excited about this journey that we taking together as a church family and we want you to be part of it!

We also encourage you to take notes and build that library, and to join us for Talkback Thursdays.

Most of all, we want you to hear God speaking to you through God's given Word to us, the Bible. We pray that as you walk with us, that you grow in knowledge, increase in faith, and deepen your relationship with God.

It seems like you've already started, can I still participate?

ABSOLUTELY!!! The easiest way to jump in is to start with this week's sermon & teaching and go from there. If you would like, as you have time, go back and check out the books that we've already covered. They are all there for you to connect with at any time.

Where can I find all the sermons & teachings?

All of the sermons & teachings will be on this site under their respective book. Just click on Sermons & Teachings in the menu to check them out.